NEIGHBOURHOOD policing hits the streets of St Helens from this week.

The new scheme will allow officers and staff to work on a local basis to find solutions to problems.

St Helens district will be divided into seven neighbourhoods with one inspector, two sergeants and 15 officers working together.

Central idea behind the project is to build up a new level of trust between officers and townsfolk.

Police boxes are already in place throughout St Helens so that members of the public can identify who their local police officer is and where they can be located.

Since the West Sutton pilot scheme was introduced, the reporting of criminal incidents has gone up and St Helens Police believe the new style of policing will encourage more people to come forward and discuss various issues.

Rob Harvey, chief inspector, who is responsible for neighbourhood policing commented: "We will be dealing with issues on a day to day basis. The aim of the project is to build up a relationship with people in the community and to try and find out the cause of various crimes.

"People have asked for greater communication with the police because they need a point of contact to discuss particular issues. We will have response officers answering urgent calls throughout the day and if anybody needs to ask us anything we will be available to answer any queries.

"We want to make people feel safer and reduce crime at the same time. The idea is to speak to people about their concerns and take a pro-active approach when it comes to solving problems.

"Police in St Helens are already working hard to resolve the incidents of youth disorder. There are a number of measures currently in use by both the Police and Local Authority agencies and we are working together on these issues.

"Quality of life within St Helens is important and members of the public should be confident in their ability to contact the Police and obtain a positive response."