MR R Whittaker says the Holcombe Hunt are going to be out after hares (Letters, March 19). I spoke to Mr Arnold Greenhalgh, of the Hunt, who assured me that all hunting was cancelled.

I agree with Mr Whittaker that the brown hare is indeed, thin on the ground, mostly due to urban sprawl and loss of habitat plus pressure from modern farming methods.

Speaking for myself, I have seen many hares on moorland regularly hunted by the Holcombe Harriers. Likewise, sympathetic farming practices ensure that the hare is thriving around Altcar, venue of the Waterloo Cup.

I asked Mr Greenhalgh about the Holcombe being a threat to the local hare population and was informed that they actually catch few..

The usual fate of these hares is a slow death and the eventual attentions of scavengers. I think the vast majority of wild animal and bird casualties are to be seen on our country roads and I wonder if New Labour's answer to this carnage should be a Car Ban Bill or perhaps that depends on some anti-car organisation donating £1million to party funds!

JANET KIRKHAM, Butterworth Brow, Brinscall.