LIAM Knott punched the 58-year-old landlord of a Blackburn pub after being asked to leave because he was arguing with his girlfriend's sister.

Blackburn magistrates heard that after James Hughes had been knocked to the floor, regulars at Uncle Jack's pub dealt out swift justice to his assailant.

Roger Pickles, defending, said his client had received what could only be described as a good kicking.

"He went to the ground and the regulars meted out their own justice," said Mr Pickles.

Knott, 23, of Swan Farm Close, Darwen, pleaded guilty to assault. He was given a conditional discharge for 12 months and ordered to pay £100 compensation and £50 costs.

Neil White, prosecuting, said Mr Hughes was punched in the eye after he had asked Knott to leave.

Mr Pickles said Knott had been beaten and kicked after being knocked to the floor.

"He is honest enough to say that he deserved that and he sould not have hit the landlord," he added.