WHERE can you see wilting shillelaghs, vanishing trousers and runaway bladders in one hilarious production?

There's a touch of the Blarney at the Little Theatre in River Street, Colne, where members of Colne Dramatic Society are feverishly rehearsing their latest offering, The Patrick Pearce Motel by Hugh Leonard.

The task of directing the Irish farce has fallen to Sheila Till, and rehearsals have been a laugh a minute.

Audiences are promised a night of fun and frolics and there's even a bit of "innocent" adultery which, together with the usual mishaps and misunderstandings which are the hallmark of Hugh Leonard's writing, promises hilarious viewing.

Some of the society's best known performers, including Marilyn Crowther, Alan Bailey, Beverly McClelland and John Cummings, help make up the cast for this piece of quick fire comedy.

Performance dates are Monday, May 7 to Saturday, May 12 inclusive at 7.30pm.

Tickets are £3.50 for Monday and Tuesday and £4 for Wednesday to Saturday.

To book, cheques made payable to Colne Dramatic Society, with a stamped, self-addressed envelope, should be sent to 102 Knotts Lane, Colne, BB8 8AE, enclosing full details of tickets required.

Telephone bookings via the theatre answerphone on 01282 861424 will open on April 23.

Personal bookings can be made at Colne Library on Saturday, April 28 and Saturday, May 5 from 11am to 1pm.