REGARDING your report headlined 'This is a daffodil' (LET, March 29), I live on one of the main roads into Blackburn which has grass verges separating it from the footpaths.

The verges are all planted with daffodils and also some flowering trees, which could be a pleassure for everyone. But not so.

The trees have been vandalised, the daffodils rarely grow before being tramped on or their blooms are killed off.

But should any remain, people in passing cars stop to pick them, or there are kids knocking on the door trying to sell what they have just picked.

Therefore, daffodil lovers are only left with very long grass verges which are not allowed to be cut for weeks.

I say to heck with the daffs -- let's have tidy edges.

But they get littered with deposits from the nearby takeaway anyway.

W HUNT (Mr), Haslingden Road, Blackburn.