JUST days after the postponement of the Pendle Triathlon, the good news is that not everything has been cancelled or postponed because of the foot and mouth crisis.

Following the success of the Millennium Extravaganza in Blacko, there is to be a repeat performance in June this year when the event will be renamed the Blacko Village Fete.

The Ministry of Agriculture have given clearance for the event to be held on the recreation ground on Saturday June 16.

It will begin at 2pm and will include races with an emphasis on novelty categories and a Tug of War featuring pub teams, lad and lasses, lasses and mums and others.

There will also be a host of sideshows and stalls, demonstrations and displays.

However, the tower race is off because of foot and mouth.

In the evening from 8pm the marquee will host the dinner dance for parish residents and their guests, an appearance by local band Switch and a disco.

It is hoped the event will raise enough money to enable the over-70s' Christmas lunch to continue.