TEN-year-old Leanne Keats saved a trapped kitten -- by dialling 999 and alerting the fire service.

Leanne and her friends were walking along the back of Abel Street, Burnley, when they heard a cat.

She said: "I looked up and saw the black and ginger kitten inside a wire cage at the side of a house.

"Someone said we should ring for the fire brigade so I rang 999 and they came out and freed it."

Firefighters found the frightened animal in the wire cage around a boiler flu on the side of a empty house. They put a ladder up and firefighter Carl Taylor managed to get the cat out. It was handed over to Leanne and is now being looked after by a neighbour.

Leading Firefighter Duncan Raidy said: "We don't know how it came to be inside the vent. It was thin, hungry and frightened and might have been there for some time."

Leanne attends Barden Junior School.

Her mum Glenda said: "I knew someone who wanted a cat so we have handed it to him to look after. He has told Leanne she can see the kitten any time she wants."