A DEVASTATED family are appealing for help in tracing the thug who shot dead their pet dog.

Stanley, an 18-month-old Staffordshire bull terrier cross, belonging to Schehan Connerford had only been on the grass in front of his Curzon Street, Colne, at 11am on Sunday for two minutes when he was shot by a man with an air rifle.

His mum Helen said: "The family is really upset, we just can't believe anyone could do it -- he was such a lively dog.

"My son is devastated, He has lost his best friend."

His sister Jenny, 17, was looking after Stanley at the time and said she heard him whimpering at the door.

She said: "I ran outside and at first I thought he had been in a fight. He came rushing in and was coughing up blood. He laid down and I tried to help him but then he died.

"Outside there was a girl who said she had seen a man pointing something at a dog, he was wearing a black coat, black hat and had a rifle. Other people have said they heard a gun go off.

"It is so sick. The dog was in agony. We had to take him to the vet so the police could be sure if it was a bullet or a pellet that killed him.

"The pellet was trapped between his lungs, which cut of his air supply which is why he choked on his blood.

"I can't see why anyone would do that to a dog. He had never done anything wrong. I really can't understand it."

PC Chris Bannister said: "Somebody must know who is responsible and I would urge anyone with any information to contact us on 01282 425001. Or they can call Crimestoppers free, in confidence, on 0800 555 111."