REGARDING the full-page advertisement on regenerating Blackburn town centre (LET, May 17), it is admirable that the council is keeping the public informed of the latest and intended stages of development, good or bad, but it appears they still haven't got right the alterations to Church Street.

I refer to the Pavilions which can only be described as poor excuses for Georgian architecture.

It would be much better to remove them and offer a landscaped and open aspect to the Cathedral for the shoppers of Church Street to enjoy.

After its completion, one of the worst remaining eyesores of the town centre left will be Lord Square.

I wonder if this will become a similar debacle as Church Street, or will they be prepared to take note or even accept the proposal put forward by Mr Jeff Stone (Letters, May 9) and transform it into a thriving market place?

The reasons he put forward ooze with common sense and sound business judgment.

GORDON ECCLES, North Bank Avenue, Blackburn.