I NOTE the dismay being expressed through readers' letters regarding the problems at Bass Lane, Summerseat. This type of problem is national not just local.

The number of new housing developments which are designed as "islands of peace" is enormous. The occupants are quite happy to pollute everyone else's space whilst their roads make no contribution to the general road network.

A classic example of this is the development running from Tottington Kirklees towards Bury which has its own immediate access roundabout onto Bury Road. What I also find galling is the type of vehicle many of the residents drive, displaying stickers complaining about the price of petrol. These vehicles are of such a construction as to be able to use lesser vehicles as their "crumple zone"! To date I have not seen the morality of this type of vehicle discussed in the media.

The Bass Lane issue is an example of those normally immune from traffic pollution getting a dose of their own medicine.