SHE'LL never forget the eucalyptus bath she was given before leaving the old infectious diseases hospital at Peasley Cross.

Now, reader Mrs E. Kenyon recalls her experiences as a nine-year-old diphtheria patient.

She was reminded of it by the recent piece on this page about home-made remedies during an era when childhood killer diseases were rampant.

"I remember", she says, "that any fruit and chocolate brought in for us was shared out between all the ward", Parents weren't allowed to visit the isolation wards.

And Mrs K also provides the full, plaintive jingle sung by the little patients:

I'M tired of Peasley Cross . . . I want to go home,

It's days and days, and weeks and weeks, since I had my tea at home.

So it's goodbye all the nurses, and the doctors, too,

Goodbye all the patients and Peter in the ambulance, too,

Here comes the nurse with a red-hot poultice -- slaps it on and takes no notice,

Here comes Dr Cannister, sliding down the bannister,

So it's goodbye all the nurses, and the doctors, too,

Goodbye all the patients, Peter in the ambulance, too.

WHAT a touching little reflection on tougher times past!