IF you don't want to miss any of the election mayhem then have a look at thisislancashire.co.uk for all the information and up-to-date news.

The team at the Lancashire Evening Telegraph will be in the office throughout the night to update the website every 10 minutes so that you can get all the latest news.

Take a look at the site...

Another good website for the young voters out there is www.yourturn.net. It is a widely-held belief that teenagers in the UK don't care about politics.

A recent poll concluded that over 50 per cent of young people are simply not interested.

Julia Middleton, chief executive of educational organisation Common Purpose, said: "It does not mean that they wouldn't get involved in the issues which matter to them.

The website features teenagers like Shannel, 18, who was excluded from school and now campaigns for the other expelled pupils. Shannel said: "Even though teenagers may not be inspired by party politics, many are actively involved on a grassroots level in the communities, campaigns and issues they care about."

The site is buzzing with real life stories, opinions, games, quizzes, video-clips, facts and figures.

It is for teenagers all across the UK who want to take control of their lives and the world they live in.

It provides an opportunity for them to express their feelings and ideas about how to improve things.

Take a look at the site...