EAST Lancashire MPs Janet Anderson and Greg Pope were today licking their wounds after being unexpectedly sacked as ministers by Tony Blair.

Both are mystified by the Prime Minister's decision to drop them.

But they promised to take the opportunity to devote even more time to their constituencies and must be encouraged by the fact that two MPs dropped in the first reshuffle -- Harriet Harman and Nigel Griffiths -- have been brought back into government.

Mr Blair told Rossendale and Darwen MP Mrs Anderson, Tourism, Film and Broadcasting Minister, she would be a "hard act to follow" and she has told him: "I believe that we have achieved a great deal: the first ever government strategy for tourism and an annual ministerial tourism summit; the establishment of the Film Council to promote the British film industry; and free television licences for the over 75s.

"There is, of course, much still to be done and I wish you -- and my successor -- every success in taking this work forward. For my part, I am now greatly looking forward to devoting more time to my constituents."

Mr Pope, MP for Hyndburn, and a former government whip, said: "I was proud to serve as a government minister in the first term of a Labour government.

"The most important job is representing the people of Hyndburn which is something I shall continue to do as a backbench MP."

Ribble Valley and Tory party vice-chairman MP Nigel Evans is set to back shadow chancellor Michael Portillo as new leader of the Conservative party.