ONCE again I have had cause to visit Blackburn Royal Infirmary after my wife had a fall in the town centre. Firstly I would like to thank the young people who assisted her.

The young man who drove her to the hospital, if he reads this will know who he is, and the two girls, one who went by the name of Sarah who called to let me know what had happened. Once again, thank you.

Again there was excellent service at BRI. As my wife was being attended to, I watched all things going on and thought to myself how on earth can people moan and whinge at the health service. Seeing doctors, nurses and other staff going about their job in a caring professional way.

I will tell you why people whinge and moan, because they believe they are better than anyone else and should have preferential treatment practically one to one.

Secondly, they moan about the food. If they can't have Marks and Spencer's all the time, which they are probably used to, they whinge.

This is not what the NHS is about. The staff's care and dedication is spread among all their patients.

You also read about patients left on trolleys hours, so what? They'll will be seen to in the end. I would like to see the moaners and whingers spend a week on the casualty department at any hospital. They would soon turn to something else for their moans.

And, furthermore, if people cut down on their drinking, drugs, etc there would be fewer patients. And if people who could not attend appointments had the manners to ring and cancel, a lot more patients could be seen.

I would like people who have nothing but good service in hospital to write to your column.

I have had members of my family in hospital over the years; a mother whose leg was amputated, an uncle with cancer, who received the care and dedication of the NHS -- in other words the best

MR K SCOTT, Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn.