A COLNE woman has been charged with the murder of her husband.

Dawn Bracewell, 34, was appearing before Pennine magistrates in Burnley today charged with the murder of her husband, Gary, 36.

She was arrested at a house in Brown Street East, Colne, after her husband was found suffering from serious injuries.

He was taken to Burnley General Hospital where he died early yesterday.

Police were alerted at 11.40pm on Monday after an ambulance crew was called to the house. Paramedics gave treatment to the man who had been stabbed.

Police began an extensive investigation and carried out house to house inquiries in Brown Street East area.

A post mortem examination was carried out yesterday but the results have not been released.

Four young children are also believed to live in the housing association property in the converted former Co-op warehouse near to Colne town centre.

Neighbours have expressed sorrow and sadness.

Albert Bradley, who lives in a terraced house opposite to the converted former Co-op warehouse, said: "I think there are four children involved, the oldest of them about ten. It is them I feel especially sorry for. It is dreadful thing to have happened and has left us devastated." Neighbours living adjacent to the house where the tragedy occurred said they were too upset to make any comment at all

The former warehouse was converted into family-sized four-bedroom homes about five years ago.

One local resident said: "People just come and go, you never get time to know them. One of the houses has had five lots of occupants in less than five years. Some of the first people to move in were from the former Trafalgar flats at Burnley. We are all shocked by what has happened."

The eight homes belong to Eaves Brook Housing Association Ltd whose regional office is in Preston.

A spokesman said: "We have been notified by the police of the tragedy.

"We are shocked and horrified by what has happened. These are family homes which we have had for four or five years without any problems. We also have flats in nearby Norway House.

"I cannot give out any details about the tenants or how long they have been there."