AN MP is urging the government to give East Lancashire councils millions of pounds to tackle problems of deprivation and housing and boost economic development.

Burnley's Peter Pike raised the issue at a post-election meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party and was intending to take it up again during the debate on the Queen's Speech today.

He is urging Prime Minister Tony Blair and Local Government Minister Hilary Armstrong to make providing extra cash for local authorities a major part of the legislative programme.

Mr Pike said: "The councils in East Lancashire need a substantial injection of government cash running into millions of pounds to do their job properly.

"Reform of local government finance must be a priority.

"Burnley, Lancashire County and other East Lancashire councils need the extra money to tackle a range of problems including housing, deprivation and economic development.

"In the field of housing, we need money for regeneration and demolition.

"We have too many uninhabited Victorian terraced homes in disrepair. If the money was there for renovation and clearance, more could be brought back into use, generating extra council tax revenue.

"The extra money needs to come from the government."