A "DEVOUT and strict Muslim" allegedly molested a Burnley schoolgirl after "setting the scene" for sexual behaviour, a jury was told.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Muhammed Shahid, 45, who is said to pray five times a day, suggested the pair of them should watch a pornographic video, fondled the child and invited her to commit a sex act on him.

Shahid, who the court heard has a wife and child as well as a son by a woman in Burnley, denies indecent assault and incitement to commit indecency with a child, said to have taken place last November.

He was then staying in Burnley, but lives at Rusholme in Manchester.

Tim Brennand, prosecuting, said the complainant was frightened as the defendant forced her to lie down. He began to hug her and asked the schoolgirl to hug him back. The prosecutor told the jury: "The defendant was piece by piece building up a sexual conversation and setting the scene for sexual impropriety."

Mr Brennand alleged Shahid then went on to talk about having a video and whether the two of them should watch it.

The alleged victim later told her mother about what had gone on and gave a version of events which was consistent from beginning to end. The defendant was arrested by the police and questioned. Mr Brennand said when Shahid was interviewed, he said he had been alone with the child, but denied any form of improper behaviour or conduct.

Cross-examained by Richard Vardon, defending, the complainant agreed Shahid was very religious and a strict and devout Muslim who prayed five times a day.

She said after the alleged offences her family had moved from their house in Burnley, as she did not want to see the defendant anymore.
