THE owner of a farm where a teenager was shot in the face during a clay-pigeon shoot blamed the accident on a "rogue pellet" but said it was a mystery how it happened

Nathan Smalley, 16, is in hospital after having the pellet removed from underneath his left eye.

The boy, of George Street, Great Harwood, was shot as he released the clay pigeons at Holt Farm, Rishton, on Sunday morning, where he has worked for nearly a year.

Edward Threlfall, who organises the shoots, said the safety of the employees was paramount and stressed what happened to Nathan was an accident.

Mr Threlfall said: "I think it was a stray pellet that must have ricochet off a branch. It was a million-to-one chance. We have had clay-pigeon shoots here for nearly 30 years and nothing has ever happened."

Nathan, whose 13-year-old brother Lee also work on the farm, was due to sit his final GCSE exams this week at Norden High School, Rishton, but has been ordered to rest in Burnley General Hospital.

A hospital spokesman today said he was comfortable.

Dad Mark said: "They want to satisfy themselves there is no further damage but don't want to to start it bleeding again. He should be in until Friday or Saturday."

Mr Threlfall, who has a licence to carry out the shooting events and is vetted by police, said he should have been safe.

He said: "The traps are protected by a steel sheet and are 35 yards away over the top of a hill so they can not be hit directly. It is a complete mystery how this happened."

The event was immediately halted following the accident while an on-site first-aider administered treatment. Nathan's parents Mark and Cheryl arrived to take him to hospital.

Mr Threlfall, who has more than 60 members, said shooting would resume on Sunday. He said his thoughts were with the youngster. He said: "It is a terrible thing to happen and we all hope he is all right."

Police are treating the injury as an accident. The Health and Safety Executive is investigating.