MEMBERS of a club that was relaunched to help homeowners brighten up their gardens today hailed their first meeting a great success.

The Derwent Hall Gardening Club, in Darwen, attracted 30 new members at their latest gathering - compared to just four newcomers after they tried to relaunch the group earlier in the year.

Organisers were prompted to boost the club's support after a noted increase in the number of new houses in the area and as a result they leaflet-dropped more than 5,000 homes to encourage people to join.

Now members have been sent away to do their homework in time for the next meeting by devising a list of problem places in their home where they find it difficult to grow plants.

Ribble Valley gardening expert Peter Foley will be attending the session to give a talk on 'Plants for Problem Places' and will be on hand to answer any questions.

Committee chairman Paul Ainsworth said: "The number of new members was far better than we expected and the night itself was absolutely packed out."