A DARWEN shopkeeper today urged customers to sign a petition in a bid to encourage the government to undertake a review of food and farming.

Lisa Brooks, who owns Manic Organics, Bridge Street, is asking as many people as possible to sign the giant 'boot print' poster which will be sent off to the Friends of the Earth (FOE) charity.

As part of FOE Real Food Action Day, the event is campaigning for the government to move away from factory-style production and towards local, sustainable farming.

Shoppers will also be asked to fill in postcards to send to Prime Minister Tony Blair and youngsters will be invited to make their own boot print using paper, paint and wellingtons donated by Manic Organics.

Lisa said: "We just want as many people as possible to attend so we can get loads of signatures on the petition. We have got a few posters so hopefully we will fill them all and they will be sent off to Friends of the Earth who will use them at demonstrations to get the government to take action."

People can sign the petition outside the store between 10am and 4pm on Saturday.