NEIGHBOURHOOD wardens will be on patrol on estate streets in Burnley by the end of August, it was revealed today.

Their job will be to help build up community spirit and cut down on anti-social behaviour.

The project, in which wardens will be uniformed, will start in the Coal Clough, Barclay and Burnley Wood areas.

It is hoped that the scheme will later be extended to include the old Barclay, Calder, Daneshouse and Trinity wards.

Jobs on the scheme are now being advertised and information sessions will start in local community centres next week.

Burnley Council's executive member for community safety Charles Bullas is delighted with the plans.

He said: "The wardens will make an important contribution to improving the quality of life in many neighbourhoods.

"Through street patrols, project work and by acting as a go-between for local people and a range of agencies they will address many of the needs identified by the council and residents."

The £500,000 scheme has been funded through Burnley's Single Regeneration Budget and the government's neighbourhood and street wardens programme.

Coun Rafique Malik, executive member for social welfare, commented: "There has been encouragement and practical support from the police, Burnley and Padiham Community Housing and many other groups.

"In particular the commitment and involvement of residents' groups all over the town has been essential."

Anyone can attend the information sessions will take place over the next two weeks at:

Tuesday, June 26, 6-7pm Rosegrove Action Group shop, Rosegrove; Tuesday, June 26, 7.15-8.30pm, Burnley Wood One Stop Shop, 96 Springfield Road; Thursday, June 28, 6-7.30pm, Belmont Community centre, Belmont Grove; Saturday, June 30, Information available from Tom Mann at the Local Planning In Action event, Stoops and Hargher Clough Community Centre, Venice Street; Tuesday, July 3, 1.30-4pm, Training and Employment Access Point, 81 Brougham Street.