A CHILD molester who sexually abused four little boys over three years was today starting a five year jail sentence.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Jack Walsh, 23, tried to have sex with a three year old, committed sex acts on himself as some of the youngsters watched, and asked one child to wear a particular football top as he found the material arousing.

One youngster was reduced to tears when Walsh asked the boy to touch him indecently, while another, older boy was asked to take part in sexual conduct but refused and told Walsh it was sick.

The defendant, who later told medics he felt like a 10 year old trapped in a 20 year old's body, was eventually caught red-handed by one of the victim's fathers and threatened to commit suicide.

Judge Raymond Bennett told Walsh that the public took a dim view of those who abused children and even people who had not previously been convicted of such offences before must expect a substantial term of imprisonment.

He said much of the case against Walsh had come from his own admissions and it was unusual for a defendant to do that.

Walsh, of Raglan Road, Burnley, admitted eight counts of indecency with a child, three of indecent assault and one of attempted rape. He was also given a three years extended licence period and was banned indefinitely from taking part in any activities with children under the age of 16. He was placed on the Sex Offenders' Register indefinitely.

Mark Lamberty, prosecuting, said Walsh had babysat some of the complainants and played hide and seek.

He was helping at a nursery two days a week when he committed a sex act on himself and touched one boy's private parts. On another occasion he did the same thing when he took a child to the toilet at an athletics meeting.

The defendant attempted to have sex with one complainant when the child was playing on a computer and said afterwards he felt ashamed.

Mr Lamberty said Walsh was caught when one boy's father returned from work and found the defendant exposed and the boy lying over his legs. The defendant repeatedly said he was sorry.

The prosecutor said one of the little boys had been asking when the defendant was coming back and had been upset at the prospect.

Anthony Cross, defending, said Walsh accepted the crimes were grave and serious and knew a long prison sentence awaited him.

He had made extremely full admissions to the police and spared the children and their parents trauma by his guilty pleas.