NURSERY vouchers for the term starting April 1 were only received by a Barnoldswick mum a few days ago leading local councillor and county council David Whipp to condemned it as a sick April Fool.

Jacqueline Mercer has two under school age children, Lily, three-and-a-half and Joseph who will be two in August.

Her application for nursery vouchers for Lily were originally turned down.

But then, in a letter dated June 13 and received a couple of days later, the LCC said her application for a free place had now been approved.

Fifty-five sessions were approved at five a week although the school term ends early next month.

Jacqueline of Mosely Street said: "When my original application was turned down I was disappointed. They said they didn't have vouchers for everyone who wanted them. I arranged for Lily to attend a nursery one afternoon a week.

"When the second letter arrived I was quite angry. I could not redeem them at this late stage. Even if I could have arranged it with the nursery it would not have been fair on Lily."

The letter also said that applications for next term had to be in by June 29. Vouchers are only issued on a term by term basis.

County Coun Whipp commented: "I think this must be Lancashire County Council's idea of a sick April Fool.

"I am asking the Education Director what on earth is going on and I would be grateful to learn of anyone else who has a similar belated offer of a place."

He added: "If it is widespread there must be an enormous amount of potential funding going down the drain which parents would be desperate to make us of."

A spokesman for Lancashire County Council said the opposite was true. The approval for 55 sessions meant that Mrs Mercer was able to redeem the vouchers for nursery sessions previously attended by her daughter and claim back any moeny spent.

He said: "We are very concerned that children do receive nursery education and we are making sure parents get the money."