A DELIVERY driver who helped himself to goods worth £700 from Boots has gone to jail for three months.

Christopher Crabtree, 47, was spotted and photographed unloading his wagon in a back alley and later admitted he did it for spending money for his holidays.

Crabtree, said by his counsel to be traumatised about what was going to happen to him, admitted theft and attempted theft.

He was told by Recorder Heather Lloyd it had been his task to ensure his loads reached their destination safely and the theft was quite well planned.

She said Crabtree, of Balmoral Road, Accrington, had been in a position of trust and deactivated the security system at the back of his lorry.

Hugh McKee, prosecuting, said Crabtree had worked for as firm sub-contracted to Boots. Last May it was noticed goods from Boots may have been taken and an official began investigations. On June 16 the defendant and his lorry were seen in Baxenden in a back street.

Pictures were taken, police were called and Crabtree was interviewed. He told officers a few weeks before he had met somebody who said he would pay him £50 for each haul if he could get him some stuff.