A VICAR is attempting to talk himself into the Guinness Book of Records - with 36 hours of non-stop unscripted preaching.

And the Rev Chris Sterry, the vicar of Whalley Parish Church, is also hoping to raise £2,000 in the process.

During the marathon sermon from 6.30am next Friday to 6.30pm Saturday he will give an improvised chapter and verse on the Old Testament, beginning with Genesis 1:1.

Luckily for the church's congregation the Rev Sterry will not preach at the following day's service, giving their ears and consciences a well earned rest!

He says once that is over he will go to bed for a sleep-athon to recover.

The record for unscripted speech is 27.5 hours - the Rector of York attempted to smash this record last year but quit after one day. The Rev Sterry, however, is confident he has the willpower - and the throat tablets - to complete the marathon.

"I've every confidence that we will raise our target of £2,000 for this event," he said. "This is undoubtedly one of the maddest things I have ever done, but it's raising lots of interest, not only in Whalley but much further afield.

"I'm good at talking - especially on a subject I'm interested in."

There are strict rules to follow to become an entrant into the Guinness Book of Records. For this sermon there must not be any repetition, talking nonsense or pauses longer than 10 seconds.

A 15-minute break is allowed every eight-hours. Two referees will be on duty throughout the 36 hours, which must be videoed to allow officials to confirm authenticity. The Dog Inn, Whalley, has provided the vicar with a bar stool to preach from, and friends will feed him on it with scraps of food during the ten second intervals.

"I can imagine sitting on a bar stool for 36 hours but not for what I'm doing," said the Rev Sterry, "But this will be a proper sermon and I hope that those who come to listen to it will get something out of it.

"As a former lecturer in Old Testament I am looking forward to unlimited opportunity to talk about one of my great enthusiasms.

"I hope that lots of people will come along to support me. Visitors are welcome at any time - especially in the middle of the night. "Heckling will not necessarily be discouraged, especially if I am nodding off!"

Sponsorship forms have been handed to the area's residents. The money will contribute to the £34,000 a year needed to meet the church's ministry fund.