ONE of Britain's leading banks is strengthening its Blackburn-based corporate arm.

Lloyds TSB Commercial believes there will be a renaissance of Lancashire's manufacturing industry.

The bank is boosting its support for business across the county in a drive to help more local firms compete on the global manufacturing stage.

Newly-appointed banking solutions manager Dave Bowen believes East Lancashire is a "hotbed of manufacturing" with one of the North West's most vibrant business communities.

"There are a lot of niche players who are well positioned for growth," he said. "There is a wealth of experience here and a lot of opportunities.

" More firms are setting their sights on overseas markets and our international team is helping a growing number of firms set up foreign trading operations."

Dave Gooch, lead manager at the regional office in Blackburn, said the time was right to make the added investment in the area.

One of the businesses highlighted by TSB Lloyds is Altham-based Raven Manufacturing which makes satellite dishes and components for the automotive industry.

The firm was established in 1984 and has been a supplier to the motor industry since Nissan arrived in the UK in 1988. It started manufacturing satellite dishes on a sub-contract basis in 1990 and soon realised the potential.

Said Mr Gooch: "Raven spotted a unique opportunity to grow the satellite business, launching its own brand of satellite dish in 1998 which is now specified by BSkyB for its digital applications.

They are constantly looking round for new markets where they can apply their innovative design skills."