THE driver of a seven-and-a-half ton lorry which crashed into vehicles parked in Belmont High Street on Tuesday afternoon was more than three-and-a-half times the legal drink driving limit.

Blackburn magistrates warned that custody will be an option when Peter Humphries, who was working at the time, is sentenced.

Humphries, 46, of Abbey Close, Radcliffe, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol and without due care and attention. He was bailed until July 20 for reports with the warning that all options, including custody, would be open.

The magistrates imposed an immediate driving ban after hearing that Humphries had given a reading of 127 against the legal limit of 35.

Wendy Shackleton, prosecuting, said a police officer arrived at Belmont High Street at 3.15pm and found the lorry, heading towards Bolton, had collided with a four-wheel-drive vehicle and shunted into a car, damaging both.

He spoke to Humphries, who smelled of drink. He said he had crashed while looking in his mirror.

Humphries, who produced a clean driving licence, told the court that the alcohol must have built up over the weekend and that he had been out on Monday night. "I was over the legal limit. It's as simple as that," he said.