STAFF at a Darwen nursery facing closure in the next six months are due to submit an application for lottery funding in a bid to keep the centre open.

Kittens Pre-School, is currently based at St Edward's Primary School, in Blackburn Road, Darwen, but is being forced to move to new premises after staff at St Edward's announced they needed the extra space.

Pre-school chiefs have estimated they will need about £180,000 to fund the possible buying of part of the primary school's playing field, as well as a brand new building.

Despite still waiting to hear whether they have been given planning permission by the Secretary of State to build on the site, they are due to hand in an application for the full amount to the Lotteries Commission next week.

Planning permission has already been recommended by bosses at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council but due to laws governing the eradication of school playing fields, the application had to be passed on to government officials.

Other fund-raising efforts by parents and the local community have so far raised almost £10, 000 towards the grand total, with the most recent race night at Akzo Nobel, in Darwen, fetching £1,400.

The husband of a member of staff also competed in a sponsored triathlon event and collected £800, with his employers promising to match this amount, taking it to £1,600.