A 19-YEAR-OLD youth, fed up of being stopped and searched by the police, launched a flying kung-fu kick and broke the window of his friend's car.

And defence solicitor Basharat Ditta told Blackburn magistrates that Imtiaz Desai could offer no logical explanation for his bizarre behaviour.

"He was drunk and he was angry but he has no idea why he kicked his friend's car," said Mr Ditta. "It was an unusual reaction to say the least.'

Desai, 19, of Dunsop Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour. He was given a conditional discharge for 18 months and ordered to pay £55 costs.

Wendy Shackleton, prosecuting, said police stopped a car in which Desai was a front seat passenger. They were dealing with the driver when Desai got out and shouted abuse.

He was warned about his conduct and asked to get back in the car. A few moments later he again jumped out of the car, and started swearing at the officers.

"He then did a flying kung-fu style kick and put his foot through the nearside window of his friend's car," said Miss Shackleton.

Mr Ditta said it was the fourth time the vehicle had been stopped that day and Desai had undergone two searches.

"He feels very strongly about the fact that he is constantly being stopped and searched and intends, in future, to put forward his legitimate concerns in the proper way," he added.