BIRD man Frank Sullivan ended up behind bars after trying to break into the aviary in Blackburn's Corporation Park.

Blackburn magistrates heard that he "hatched" the "bird brained" idea to steal a parakeet for his girlfriend after drinking in the town centre. But he was spotted by an eagle eyed police officer who later found a cage in the back of his car which was parked nearby.

Sullivan, 31, of Preston New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to attempted burglary and failing to provide a specimen of breath. He was ordered to complete a 100-hour community punishment order, disqualified from driving for three years, pay £30 compensation for damage to the aviary lock and £65 costs.

Daniel King, defending, said the burglary matter was Sullivan's first ever conviction for an offence of dishonesty. He said his client had a keen ornithological interest and had, in the past, kept birds.

On the night of the offence he was out with his partner of three years. "His enthusiasm for birds has infected his partner who, in the past, has asked him to get her a cockatiel," said Mr King.

"It was against that background and under the influence of alcohol that this bird-brained idea was hatched. He went back to his car and got some tools and was trying to remove a lock from the aviary when he was spotted by an eagle eyed police officer."

Mr King said Sullivan was adamant that he had not driven since he had been drinking and had refused to take a breath test until he saw a solicitor. "He now accepts that he was wrong to do that," added Mr King.