FIREFIGHTERS took just four-and-a-half minutes to set a world record and boost Leigh Parish Church tower rebuilding fund.

A team of 10 members of White Watch from Leigh Fire Station look set to rewrite the Guinness Book of Records after successfully lighting 1,000 candles on a giant cake in Leigh's Spinning Gate shopping centre.

They raised more than £2,000 in beating the current record of 900 candles alight at the same time.

The Vicar of Leigh, the Rev Terry Challis, lit the first candle. Then the firemen, using tapers, lit the rest of the candles on the massive cake, baked in the shape of the church and donated by Leigh bakers Waterfields.

George Bridge, a member of the Tower Refurbishment Group, said: "The firemen were terrific. It was a wonderful day and everything went according to plan.

"There were two scrutineers observing the record attempt -- it went perfectly."

It was the first in a series of events being organised to raise money towards the £120,000 cost of rebuilding the church tower.

The parish has £38,000 set aside for the task and is hoping a Heritage Lottery grant will enable work to start next summer.