REGARDING pedestrianisation of Blackburn's Church Street, the proposal by Jeff Stone (Letters, May 9), to turn Lord Square back into an open market was a superb idea.

Demolition of the old Littlewoods building, together with the stupid ramp at the rear and other adjoining properties, would then open up an area, which, if it included Church Street, going up to Salford for a market, roughly the same in area as the old market square.

Now, what a central point that would be on market days -- and probably a first for Lancashire!

Sadly, there is as much chance of this happening as there is of the council insisting that our newly-modernised Boulevard is used for catching buses.

Another first for Blackburn is, of course, that we have the only parking bays with speed humps in the country -- in Bridge Street.

RON CRANE, Walden Road, Blackburn.