REGARDING the mohican-style haircut, I think it is neat and tidy. Maybe Eric Leaver (LET, June 20) and head teacher Mr Harry Sharples, would like to see the return of the 'basin cut,' made popular by some fathers and mothers in the 1960s.

I cannot remember any boy being sent home from school for having this cut, so it must have been acceptable. Maybe David Beckham could try the 'basin cut' next time, or Mr Leaver and Mr Sharples could lead the way with this style from the 1960s.

All you need is a basin (any size) and a pair of scissors (sharp or blunt). You then put the basin on the top of the boy's head, press down and cut around the rim. Lift the basin and cut the back and sides as short as possible -- 'to the bone' as they used to say.


Boxwood Street, Blackburn.