A LANCASHIRE chef has become a Weight Watchers Gold Member.

David Grimshaw, 41, who works at the Higher Trapp Hotel, Simonstone, was given the honour after losing five stones in just one year. David says he is "over the moon" after dropping from 17 stones to 12.

"It has just changed my life completely. I am a 32 waist now from a 42. It feels absolutely wonderful."

Lorraine Jones, Weight Watchers leader for Rishton, praised David for his determination: "He came with a group of friends last year. They all gradually gave up, but David stuck with it.

"He came every week and was really dedicated. He is an inspiration"

Working in a busy kitchen meant that temptation was always at hand, but David managed to resist "With my job food is always readily available. My downfall was always pastry or chips, but I don't eat either now."

Does the super slimmer have any word of advice? "Stick to your diet. It is no good cheating, you are only cheating yourself. Just believe that you can do it and believe in yourself. If I can do it , being a chef, anyone can."