PLANS to build eleven three-storey linked houses and garages in the courtyard of a former mill in Laneshawbridge will be discussed by councillors this week.

The application to build on the site of the former Valley Mill, School Lane, has twice previously been deferred because of concerns over parking and fears of possible site contamination.

Planning officers will recommend approval at the Colne and District committee on Thursday subject to a lay-by being provided for three cars for use by existing residents and for a safe form of development to be agreed that poses no unacceptable risk of pollution or harm to human health.

Previous reports have identified the site as at risk from radon gas emissions and have expressed concerns at the high levels of diesel at two boreholes in proximity to a nearby stream.

Environmental health officers say they would require a detailed remedial strategy for the site as thresholds had also been exceeded of arsenic, copper and hydrocarbons.

Laneshawbridge Parish Council objected to the original application which has now been amended.

A proposed clock tower feature has been deleted and other changes made to the elevations.