VANDALS who struck at a Great Harwood graveyard damaged 30 headstones and knocked a stone cross off its pedestal.

Widow Sherry Tipping, of Rishton, discovered the latest damage when she went to the New Cemetery to tend her husband's grave. The two adjacent final resting places had been knocked over and damaged.

"I'm worried that my husband's grave will be next," she said.

"It was very upsetting. I know I won't sleep tonight."

Mary Dempsey, of Russell Place, Great Harwood, was visiting the cemetery to look after her father's and aunty's graves.

"I put it all down to teenage drinking," she said. "They've pushed over 30 headstones and knocked a cross off its pedestal."

Coun Winifred Frankland, who represents the Netherton ward in Great Harwood, said: "It's awful, and very distressing for the relatives. This is consecrated ground." She said she suspected young people were responsible and added she was working with the council to set up projects like a skateboarding venue to give youngsters something to do.

Hyndburn council vowed to review security at its cemeteries after Muslim graves were pushed over in Accrington two weeks ago.

A police spokesperson said they were investigating the graveyard attack as an act of mindless vandalism but was not connected to the recent racist violence in the borough.