AWARD-WINNING Leyland Trucks has been praised by Trade and Industry Secretary Patricia Hewitt in a celebration of the best of new ideas in UK manufacturing.

The company, which scooped the engineering category of the Best Factory Awards 2000, is being used as a showpiece of excellence in UK manufacturing.

Leyland Trucks was commended for the training and development of staff, use of IT and for the way it deals with its varied production, building sixty vehicles a day, all of them different.

Patricia Hewitt urged business leaders to follow the example of companies like Leyland Trucks to reach their full potential.

"To compete effectively, manufacturing must be at the leading edge of the economy, creating innovative new processes and world-beating products," she said.

"The UK has many outstanding companies, scientists and investors who lead the world in creating new products and processes. We need more like them, creating new wealth and rewarding jobs."