AFTER 25 years of working for Brookhouse Holdings, Ethel Boothman is settling for a life of rest and relaxation.

Ethel has worked for the India Mill-based company as a salaries administrator for more than two decades and has seen how it has grown throughout the years.

When Ethel first started work there were only 11 other employees at the company. Now 25 years on, there is a workforce of over 300.

Ethel was presented with an oil painting of her pet poodle Becky and a hand-carved dove cote to mark her retirement.

She said: "The presentation was lovely and I certainly didn't expect to receive any of these wonderful gifts. I have really enjoyed my time at the company and feel very upset that I am now leaving.

"I will enjoy my retirement because I will now have time to spend in my garden and enjoy myself. I have plenty of things lined up to keep me occupied."

Ethel used to work for Fred and Eve Turner, who first started the family-run business but has worked for their two sons, Peter Barry Turner, for 25 years.

Peter said: "Ethel is a wonderful person and has been a fantastic asset to the company all the years she has been with us.

"Ethel will be greatly missed by everyone here at the company but we all wish her all the very best for her future."