A FORMER Bolton fire officer convicted of a string of vicious sex attacks was jailed for life today.

George Heyes, former acting Divisional Officer with Greater Manchester Fire Service, was found guilty of one rape and two indecent assaults in March.

Heyes, aged 44, of Bamburgh Close, Radcliffe, had already admitted one rape and indecent assault after DNA evidence showed the chances of anyone else having committed the attacks were 'a billion to one'.

After his conviction at a trial at Manchester Crown Court, judge Mr Justice Penry-Davey warned Heyes he faced the possibility of life behind bars.

The judge deferred sentencing to today at Preston Crown Court to allow psychiatric reports to be prepared.

The jury was told Heyes was responsible for an 18 month reign of terror in 1996 and 1997 when he would approach girls, grab them from behind on the pretext of robbery and then commit sex attacks.

DNA evidence was only obtained after Joanne Nelson, a TV director from Bolton, chased Heyes after he exposed himself to her as she walked at Entwistle Reservoir in December, 1999.

Heyes was arrested and a mouth swab taken, which linked him by genetic fingerprinting to the sex attacks.