RESIDENTS in Barrowford are hoping plans for a play area on land at Holmefield House will be rejected by councillors tonight due to overwhelming opposition.

A short presentation in support of the proposed site will be given by the parish council at the meeting of the Barrowford and Western Parishes Committee and the report to the committee states that a petition in support of the plans has been received.

But residents in the area say the majority of people do not want to see the land turned into a play area and they have collected more than 200 names themselves on a petition opposing the development.

Dorothy Ridehalgh, on behalf of these residents, said: "We are disappointed with the parish councillors over the way they are dealing with this. They say this would be a play area for the children in Newbridge but this is really about Holmefield House. It doesn't seem to matter to the parish council that the people of Barrowford and users of Holmefield House don't want a play area or anything else on that site. We want it leaving as it originally was and not look back down the line and think how green Barrowford used to be.

"Parish clerk Richard Nelson said the parish council was only asked to suggest somewhere to put this play area and it is now getting all the flak. But they are continuing with it despite residents asking them to consider alternative sites.

"Only five days after they were handed our petition, leaflets entitled 'Fair Play for Kids' were distributed among schoolchildren and we think it is wrong that they are using the children to get Holmefield House. It's like asking them if they would like a sweet."

Mrs Ridehalgh said the leaflets made statements such as 'it is the only piece of vacant council-owned land' and that 'scheme two can only go ahead if the first scheme is adopted'. Scheme two is for a kickabout area for older children on the Bull Holme playing fields.

She said she had spoken to planning officers and was told these statements were untrue.