YET again, traffic chaos ensued when yet another too-tall truck tried to get under the low railway bridge in Darwen Street, Blackburn.

The latest happened in the Friday evening rush hour, creating long tailbacks of traffic driving into the town centre and huge delays while the offending artic, which was pushed over on to its side, was removed.

But haven't we seen such incidents before at this bridge -- time and again?

Its new vivid paintwork and the 'Low Bridge' signs on it and on the approaches to it are obviously not sufficient warning to drivers who are strangers to the locality. Is it really beyond the scope of technology or the wit of the planners to install electronic detector equipment in the vicinity which sets lights flashing and klaxons clanging if a too-big truck passes by heading for Darwen Street Bridge?

I don't think so -- and for the sake of stopping someone from being killed one of these days, let alone preventing the traffic chaos inconvenience, it's high time the highways committee and Railtrack got the low-down on such gear.