ALL too often, we tend to criticise our councillors for various reasons, myself included, but this is to acknowledge an achievement which deserves our praise.

I refer to the landscape completion at the top end of Bonsall Street, Mill Hill, Blackburn, stretching over to the Feniscliffe allotments, the canal and the railway bridge.

It is a pleasure to walk around now that there are proper footpaths and fencing in place, it has also given this areas a rural look second to none.

Walking towards the railway bridge we now have a complete picturesque view ahead with the railway in the forefront, the playing fields beyond, against the backdrop of Billing Wood -- altogether a scene worthy of any artist's skill.

Congratulations and thanks to all connected with this project and in transforming a once-derelict piece of land into a natural country setting.

TOM ANSBRO, Feniscliffe Drive, Blackburn.