THROUGHOUT the last week of school, July 9 - 13, Astley Independent Methodist Church is staging a week of fun for all young people between the ages of seven and 18.

Popular band Flipside will be performing at St Mary's High and Hesketh Fletcher High, getting involved with lessons and playing concerts.

There will also be young people taking over PE lessons and assemblies from an organisation called Sports Pursuit.

The week-long, non-stop event is set to be fast and furious, aimed at improving sporting ability.

After school, the sports will continue with street hockey, a great way to end summer term.

For those who would prefer to give sport a miss, a youth caf will involve games, drama and quizzes guaranteed to relieve any boredom, where people can make new friends or hang out with old ones.

All events will take place straight after school at Astley Independent Methodist church on Manchester Road.

"We challenge you to get involved for a week that will change your life," said a spokesman for AIM.

For further information, contact Sue Lord on 0161 799 7554.