IT'S good to see the meadows back in full blossom, but sad that it's as the result of the tragic foot and mouth epidemic.

But is there a new super breed of biting bug out there too? Midges have never bothered me, but twice this week while out with my dog, I have been nobbled and nibbled by some obnoxious flying beast that has left me with swollen whorls the size of a fist.

The first brought up my forearm and the second the complete back of my hand.

I was always sympathetic on holiday abroad towards some of the poor tourists who had legs full of mosquito bites, yet I remained unaffected.

However, these pesky things, whatever they are, have certainly found a tasty meal. How can such little things cause such discomfort?

The answer maybe popping garlic pills, after all they keep fleas off animals. Or, roll on winter!