RADCLIFFE High School is to bid for Specialist Technology College (STC) status, but needs to raise £50,000 in sponsorship.

The Abden Street school is hoping that local businesses will help in its aim to finalise its application by March next year.

If successful, it will mean a dramatic increase in the funding the school is able to allocate for each pupil.

In addition to a grant of around £150,000, each pupil at the school would be allocated £123 a year in addition to current funding.

However, the bid is not just aimed at attracting extra resources to the school but how the school can further extend its partnership with local businesses and the wider community.

Mr Mike Walsh, head of technology at the school and the teacher who is leading the bid, said: "The community dimension to the application is a crucial factor to any future success."

If you are in a position to help the school by providing contacts or names of companies who might be willing to help, please contact Mr Walsh on 723 3110.