A MAYOR who quit following a police sex investigation wants to return to the post -- and will take legal action to get there.

Pendle Coun Fred Hartley will face no charges following an investigation last month.

Coun Hartley, 35, resigned after just one month after he was questioned over allegations of a sexual nature.

The Crown Prosecution Service said no further action will be taken.

He is now hoping to have talks with chief executive Stephen Barnes and the leaders of the three parties to discuss his reinstatement.

He said: "If I don't get anywhere with the council I am going to get my solicitor on to it. I have done nothing wrong and I want to clear my name. I have been condemned enough.

"People have been very supportive especially my constituents in Bradley ward.

"I was forced to resign over this and it was not because of the irretrievable breakdown of my marriage.

" But I have always said I could have continued and the people would not have been affected."

The drama surrounding Coun Hartley's appointment as civic leader began in the weeks leading up to the official ceremony when he sacked his originally proposed mayoress, Coun Kathleen Shore, in favour of his wife. Pendle Council refused to comment.