A HOUSING plan which is against both local and national planning policy is recommended for refusal by planners when they meet tomorrow.

An outline application to build two semi-detached split level houses on land opposite St Saviour's Church, New Line, Bacup, will be discussed by the engineering and planning sub-committee.

The scheme, which involves the former scout hut and youth centre site, has prompted no comments from neighbours.

But planners will be told: "While within the urban boundary where council would normally seek to locate most new development, this site falls within the Ross Mill -- New Line Greenland.

"The purpose of Greenland is as valuable open space within the built-up area, retained for amenity, recreation or nature conservation.

"The approval of any proposal for residential development within a Greenland would set a precedent, leading to difficulty in resisting such developments elsewhere in the borough.

"Thus in local and national land use policy terms, the proposal is unacceptable."