THE Council has completely lost the plot and is thoroughly carried away with all this 'regeneration' focusing on Church Street, Blackburn.

They appear to think that by closing the only remaining thoroughfare to traffic, all our problems will be miraculously solved.

The only apparent benefit that I can see is the re-use of the 170-year-old Pavilion Buildings as a "high-quality cafe bar and new concept restaurant" (LET, July 4).

Where, for goodness sake, are the customers of this up-market gastronomical experience going to park their Rolls-Royces, Jaguars and Mercedes? Will the diners sitting outside on the "newly-formed decked area overlooking the Cathedral and its grounds" not mind being bombarded by pigeons, verbally assaulted by the usually-inebriated social drinks who congregate in the area, or become upset by the muggings that occur on a fairly regular basis in the Cathedral grounds?

Presumably, the Council is expecting the owners of property on Church Street, to open "pavement cafes," although this is not what you would expect banks, a betting shop, money shop, a travel agent, an Army recruitment office, hairdressers, Army and Navy store or a general retailer to be particularly keen on doing, as you would require a catering licence and trained staff, not to mention a food preparation area suitably equipped.

The remaining buildings are either derelict or licensed premises, which at present only open evenings, two of these for three nights per week, and one for only two!

RON CRANE, Walden Road, Blackburn.