SCHOOLDAY memories flooded back for Michael Ratcliffe when he saw an old soccer team photograph in the Journal.

Mr Ratcliffe, of Primrose Street North, Tyldesley, was a pupil at Hindsford Sacred Heart school and a member of the soccer team pictured after a successful 1959-60 campaign.

"In the Atherton schools' cup, we drew 0-0 with Howe Bridge. Then, in the replay, we finished level again 1-1," recalled Mr Ratcliffe.

"Tommy Kelly scored our goal and when he did I've never seen so much pleasure on anybody's face in my life. The draw meant we shared the cup with Howe Bridge, for six months each.

"The following year, myself and James Kirkman (who was standing second from the left next to me on the back row in the photograph), and John Mullin were in the team again but we didn't win. The rest of the side had gone on to senior school."

Mr Ratcliffe recalled that one of the 1959-60 team players, Phil Parry, went on to play for Horwich RMI.