The husband was up a ladder painting but he shouted down, "Sure, I 'll come when I'm straightened out."

Months later, the pastor received a phone call from an undertaker asking him to conduct the funeral of a man who had died suddenly. The Pastor realised it was the man who had said he would come when he was straightened out. Sadly, he went to church for the first and last time, straightened out in his coffin!

It does not mean, of course, that someone is a Christian because they attend church, but if they truly know and love Jesus Christ and are therefore members of God's family, they will want to meet regularly with those of like mind.

Another couple, recently interviewed when they lost their caravan in a flood, were asked whether they were insured. They replied, "No, we never got round to it." The loss of a caravan is serious but the loss of a soul is catastrophic.

To lose your wealth is much, to lose your health is more

To lose your soul is such a loss, that nothing can restore

Before we die, it is essential we "get round to it" and ensure we have a cover for our souls. We cannot cover up our sins by good deeds, because God calls these "filthy rags". Isaiah 64:6.

Neither can we "straighten out" our lives. But, happily, God's Good Friday agreement offers us three things: permanent peace with God; Christ's righteousness to cover our sins and His power to straighten out our lives.

Ask Him for these now. Read Romans chapter 5.